
Raspberry is a 2010 short narrative film by Jonathan Enrique Barajas. The film has played nationally at FilmDayton, Boston Underground Film Festival, SENE Film Festival (Winner: Best Experimental Film), OSU's Ohio Shorts, Humboldt Film Festival and DeadCenter Film Festival.

Stephanie Brait stars as Moira, a young artist, still living at home, finishing college and deciding her priorities for the future. Through a video dream-journal, she recalls identity-shaping parts of her past that have been manipulated by either memory or dream logic. She has trouble connecting to her family and the outside world, and she feels trapped inside her narrow experience of life. This is a surreal story of self-critique and self-discovery.

“A perfect depiction of a suburbanite awkwardly attempting to carelessly break the monotony. A great critique of the obsessive and unnecessary self-hatred gripping the American upper-middle class, and also as a genuinely tense excercise in suspense. It always seems there's a monster waiting around the corner but there never is; and that is really, to me, the key element that makes Raspberry so compelling.” – Mike Apichella (of Human Host)